Byambabaatar Ichinkhorloo, Dr.
- ehemaliger Oberassistent
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Pastoralism; political ecology; anthropology of development; conflicts and infrastructure (mining); diverse economies; social networks; materiality
Mongolia and Inner Asia
Byamba studied Mongol Studies at the University of Language and Civilization and Ecology at the University of Humanities in Ulaanbaatar and Environmental management at the University of Southern Queensland. He received his MA in linguistics and PhD in Anthropology at the National University of Mongolia. He has been a visiting scholar at the University of Cambridge, the University of Colorado at Boulder, the University of Porto, and the University College London. He is an honorary research associate at the School of Geography and the Environment, University of Oxford. He has worked for the past eight years as a lecturer/researcher and his publications focused on the relationship between human, society and environment in postsocialist Mongolia. He had also worked for another ten years as a research consultant in the international development sector in Mongolia and his professional work and writing have covered the areas of development intervention, pastoral livestock production, artisanal mining, risk and recovery, governance, social and environmental impacts on behalf of major organizations including the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation in 2010-2013, United Nations Development Program in 2003-2005 and 2009, World Bank in 2005-2008, USAID in 2001, Red Cross, Asian Development Bank, and the Government of Mongolia in 2009-2010. He is now working as a Co-Investigator for the research project 'Mediation Model for Sustainable Infrastructure Development - scaling up Praxis from Mongolia to Central Asia' (https://gobiframework.ouce.ox.ac.uk).