Emma McDonell, Dr.
- ehemalige Oberassistentin
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Economic anthropology; political ecology; global commodity chains; food systems; environmental sustainability; race and racism; economic and social transformation processes
Peru; Andes; Latin America
Emma McDonell is a postdoctoral lecturer and researcher at the chair of Prof. Peter Finke at the Department of Social Anthropology and Cultural Studies (ISEK). Her interests lie in the intersections of food systems, global markets, sustainable development, and race and racism in Latin America. Her current research project is about the quinoa boom and bust in the Peruvian Andes and is based in 18 months of ethnographic fieldwork in the Peruvian highlands. More broadly, she is interested in the so-called revalorization or "gentrification" of under-utilized crops and the impacts of these transformations on rural livelihoods. She has also been working on a collaborative project about superfoods, which culminated in a volume recently published with Bloomsbury called Critical Approaches to Superfoods.