K. Zeynep Sarıaslan, Dr.
- Associated researcher
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Gender, modernization, developmentalism, representation, research methods, feminist anthropology, border studies, visual anthropology
Turkey (Eastern Anatolia)
K. Zeynep Sarıaslan worked as a lecturer at the University of Zurich and also as part of the research group of Development and Trust in Upper Mesopotamia. She also worked as a lecturer at the Institute of Social Anthropology at the University of Bern between 2016 and 2018. She defended her dissertation entitled "Housewives ‘in Progress’: Women’s Work for Women in Southeast Turkey” in 2018 under the supervision of Peter Finke, Heinz Käufeler and Sabine Strasser. She studied sociology and social anthropology at the Middle East Technical University in her hometown Ankara. During her studies, she conducted researches on rural Europe and others in Kars.
In her postdoctoral research project “Journalism at a Distance: Transnational Politics and Making Online News in Exile”, K. Zeynep Sarıaslan aims to contribute to an interdisciplinary debate by illustrating new forms of engagement with transnational politics through digital news making, with a particular focus on new wave migrants from Turkey living in Germany.