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ISEK - Department of Social Anthropology and Cultural Studies Social and Cultural Anthropology

Annisa Hartoto

Annisa Hartoto, MDevStud

  • Doctoral Researcher and Lecturer
Room number
AND 5.07

Research interests

environmental anthropology, feminist political ecology, gender and development, subaltern resistance, frontier, agrarian change, agribusiness and global supply chain

Short bio

Annisa Sabrina Hartoto is a researcher of women’s collective action, and a development professional with more than 10 years of experience working in development programs in Indonesia. Presently, she is completing a PhD in Anthropology and Development Studies at the University of Melbourne, with research focusing on the intersections between gender, power, and resistance. Specifically, she examines how civil society organisations in shaping women’s organising and strategic actions in negotiating land conflicts in Indonesia, and how these actions lead to the transformation of state-society relationships.

Since 2019, Annisa has been involved in several research projects, including research on durability and resilience of women’s empowerment interventions, with lead researcher Assoc Prof Rachael Diprose. Other research project includes on voluntary sustainability standards and broad transformative change in agricultural commodity production. With lead researcher Assoc Prof Kate Macdonald, Annisa plays key role in researching sustainability initiatives for the cocoa and coffee sectors in Indonesia to capture the shifting trend from traditional voluntary sustainability standards to sectoral transformation approaches beyond certification. She has also been involved with the research on gender, women’s collective action, and rural governance in Indonesia, where as part of collaborative team between the University of Melbourne and Universitas Gadjah Mada and supported by MAMPU, Annisa plays central role in editing, translating, and co-writing of the analysis for the edited volume of Forging Pathways for Gender-Inclusive Development in Rural Indonesia: Case Studies of Women’s Collective Action and Influence on Village Law Implementation.