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ISEK - Department of Social Anthropology and Cultural Studies Social and Cultural Anthropology

Bachelor’s Theses in Social Anthropology

The Bachelor’s thesis can be booked during the module booking period indicated in the course catalogue. Please also note the information on the website of the Office of Student Affairs. The Information Sheet Bachelor's Thesis in Social Anthropology (PDF, 112 KB) defines who is eligible to supervise at ISEK-Social and Cultural Anthropology.

Important: Before booking a Bachelor’s thesis, the disposition must have been accepted by the supervisor. Please submit the Attestation for the Disposition of a Bachelor's Thesis (PDF, 105 KB) to the lecturer of the Bachelor-Colloquium at the beginning of the semester in which you write the thesis.

The following persons may be asked as of spring semester 2025:


(Co-)supervisors in audiovisual anthropology

The following persons may be asked as of fall semester 2024:

Saada Elabed

Olivia Killias

Esther Leemann

Kiah Rutz

Rebekka Sutter (audio)