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As a UZH student, you can also study your major and minor at other universities in Switzerland, Europe and worldwide during your Bachelor and Master program. A stay abroad is only possible after completion of the assessment level and is recommended from for Bachelor students from the 3rd semester onwards. There is no recommendation for students at the Master level. The exchange can last one semester (approx. 3-4 months) or two semesters (approx. 10 months).
Make an early effort to organise the mobility stay! We anticipate a lead time of about one year. We offer an information event every October (see a ppt of the last presentation (PDF, 5 MB)). The department for Global Student Experience (GSE) of the UZH offers additional information events every semester with the "Global Experience Talks". Current dates are posted here: The experience reports from students are very helpful.
Already for the planning of your mobility stay, make an appointment with the Departmental Coordination for Mobility in both your Major and Minor. For an overview, see
Before your departure, you will conclude a Learning Agreement and a Credit Transfer Agreement per subject. This specifies which courses you will attend abroad and how they will be credited to your curriculum at UZH. The achievements at the host university must be certified in writing with a Transcript of Records.
After completing the mobility stay, submit the Transcript of Records (issued by the host university) and the written achievements to the Departmental Mobility Coordinator (Juliane Neuhaus: for recognition. The definitive recognition of the achievements (e.g. attendance of seminars with active participation, writing of seminar papers of 5,000 words) takes place after the stay at the host university by proving the written evidence to the Departmental Mobility Coordinator Social Anthropology and the Deanery of Studies of the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences.
A mobility stay can either take place within a programme or be organised completely independently. Dates, responsible departments, contact persons and procedures vary. For more information, conditions and possibilities see
Study for one or two semesters at another university in Switzerland. Get to know other anthropological institutes in Switzerland, possibly in another national language.
Information by UZH for you:
Here you will find a list of anthropological institutes in Switzerland:
Registration is done via the UZH office using this online form (in German only):
Please note these application deadlines for the UZH office:
Study individual modules/courses at another university in Switzerland. In addition to the courses offered by UZH, you can take individual courses/modules during one or more semesters at another university and have these externally acquired achievements credited to your studies in Zurich.
Information by UZH for you:
The same application deadlines apply as for other applicants at the respective university.
Study individual modules/courses at another university in Switzerland. In addition to the courses offered by UZH, you can take individual courses/modules during one or more semesters at another university and have these externally acquired achievements credited to your studies in Zurich.
Information by UZH for you:
Registration is done via the chancellery (Kanzlei) of your host university.
The same application deadlines apply as for other applicants at the respective university.
Ethnologisches Seminar
Münsterplatz 19, 4051 Basel
Institut für Sozialanthropologie
Lerchenweg 36, 3000 Bern 9
Bd. de Pérolles 90, Bureau G309, 1700 Fribourg
Genf (only Master and PhD)
Graduate Institute Geneva - Anthropology and Sociology of Development (ANSO)
Rue de Lausanne 132, CP 136, 1211 Genève 21
Laboratoire d'anthropologie sociale et culturelle (LACS)
Bâtiment Geopolis, Bureau 5105, 1015 Lausanne
Ethnologisches Seminar
Universität Luzern
Frohburgstrasse 3
6002 Luzern
Institut d'ethnologie
Rue St-Nicolas 4, 2006 Neuchâtel
For the latest information on mobility in EUROPE, please contact the UZH Global Student Experience (GSE) department at
As of 2011, Switzerland participated as an official partner in the European Lifelong Learning (LLP) education programmes and was thus also a full member of Erasmus(+). As of February 2014, Switzerland's participation has been suspended. This exchange programme will be replaced by SEMP (Swiss European Mobility Programme). Current information can be found at
ISEK-Ethnologie has student mobility contracts with universities in the following cities: , Berlin (FU), Brüssel (Libre), Köln, Paris (X, Nanterre), Wien as well as Tübingen. The application deadline for these universities is around mid-February each year (for the following autumn semester and the following spring semester).
In addition, the GSE also offers a steadily growing number of other European universities for mobility. Please search specifically for the European partners in the search portal "Mobility Online". The application deadline for these universities is always at the beginning of January (for the following autumn semester and the following spring semester).
You do your application online via “Mobility Online”. First you register there, then you can upload your documents. Students receive financial support (scholarships) within the framework of SEMP.
Up-to-date information on mobility outside Europe / worldwide is available from the UZH Global Student Experience (GSE) department at
If you have any questions about the application, please contact in the first instance:
The GSE organises and coordinates worldwide exchanges. In "Mobility Online", universities are also displayed that may not be suitable for students of social anthropology. Please check whether cultural/social anthropology (Ethnologie) is taught at the individual universities. Please be sure to ask the departmental coordinator for mobility, Juliane Neuhaus, for advice on your choice before you apply!
You do your application online via"Mobility Online". First you register there, then you can upload your documents.
Social Anthropology can also be studied within the framework of subject agreements at some universities worldwide. We offer exchange opportunities - for students of social anthropology only - with the following additional partner universities:
If you are interested in mobility at one of these universities, please contact Juliane Neuhaus directly: