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Since 2011 Georg Winterberger is the Executive Director. He is responsible for financial matters and for all kind of administrative and operational matters. He is the line manager of the administrative and technical staff.
Georg Winterberger studied Social and Cultural Anthropology, Science of Religion and History at the University of Zurich from 2005 to 2010. And he published an ethnography of the Hospital of Manyemen based on his research in Cameroon. During his PhD study (on livelihood strategies in Myanmar) he got further qualifications in project management and public management (he possesses a Certificate of Advanced Studies in Public Management). Georg Winterberger got involved with the Association of the Non-Professorial Academic Staff of the University of Zürich (VAUZ) as co-president (2012-2019) and he was the former president of actionuni the midlevel staff, an association of research staff at Swiss universities.