2023 – today: PhD Student at the Department of Social Anthropology and Cultural Studies, University of Zurich and at the Departement of Philosophy and Education Sciences at the University of Turin (co-tutelle)
Dissertation Project: “From Margin to Center – A Cultural Analysis of ‘Grillz’ and their Appropriations“
2020 – 2022: Master of Arts in Communication and Media Cultures, University of Turin (IT)
2016 – 2020: Bachelor of Arts in Arts, Music and Showbusiness Disciplines, University of Turin (IT)
09.2017 – 02.2018: Erasmus Project during the Bachelor’s program at the University of Valencia (ES) (Audiovisual Communication)
2011 – 2016: High School Diploma, Liceo Classico indirizzo Linguistico Vincenzo Gioberti, Torino (IT)
Work experience
11.2024 – today: PhF CANDOC Scholarship for doctoral students, Department of Social Anthropology and Cultural Studies, University of Zurich
07.12.2023: “Shine, Visual Revolution in Hip-hop”, lecture in MA course Interactive Storytelling and Art (Professor Silvia Babotto, University of Turin)
22.12.2023: “Grillz: Between Luxury and Colonial Heritage, a semiotic perspective”, lecture in MA course Philosophy of Communication (Professor Cristina Voto, University of Turin)
Member in networks
International Association for Semiotic Studies (IASS)
Bertoli, A. (2024). Performing Identity, A Theoretical View on Grillz as Prosthetic Hypoicons. Reti, Saperi, Linguaggi: Italian Journal of Cognitive Sciences, 13(2), 345-357.