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Multimodal ethnography integrates research on aspects including imagery and visuality, musical and -sensory performativity, and sonic constructions, in addition to the various sensory and media practices associated with them. It is solely concerned with the multimodal in terms of methodological questions and applications, but also addresses the enduring issue of representation, engaging with the socio-political and ethical effects of ethnographic research. Fields such as the cultural analysis of the senses, mediality, and aesthetic practice (dissertation project: Filmische Aufbrüche) focus not only on the significant role that the senses play in social interaction and ethnographic research, but also on analyzing the cultural products arising from sensory practices, such as photography, film, audio features, radio broadcasts, video, Web 2.0, TV series and exhibitions. Multimodal ethnography always encompasses both: research on the multimodal, the senses and sensuousness, as well as research with the senses and multimodal tools, including recording devices, computers, pens, and cameras (e.g., ethnographic samples, audio features, illustrations, films, and texts).