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ISEK - Department of Social Anthropology and Cultural Studies


At ISEK, forms of expression are explored by people of different cultures and societies, both our own and foreign. Ethnographic and sociological methods are combined with text- and media-analytical, as well as object-oriented and material-centred methods. This methodological breadth makes the ISEK unique.

Current Research

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Morality, Responsibility and Social Enterprises in Vietnam

Politiken und Praktiken von Volksmusik im Schweizer Fernsehen (1960er–1990er Jahre)

Friedensstiftung über Ethnographische Sammlungen aus Bangladesch

More about Friedensstiftung über Ethnographische Sammlungen aus Bangladesch

Ein transnationales kollaboratives studentisches Forschungsprojekt

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Social and Cultural Anthropology

Popular Culture Studies

Ethnographic Museum