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For this 2-day workshop, we are interested in discussing examples of how creativity and innovation work on the ground in different parts of the world. We would like to invite scholars whose papers introduce conceptual thoughts and/or empirical views on actors, practices and discourses in innovation and creativity for development.
In 2024, ISEK - Social and Cultural Anthropology offered two summer schools and a field research.
Für das kommende Semester werden mehrere Tutor:innen gesucht. Interessierte werden gebeten sich mit Lebenslauf und einem kurzen Motivationsschreiben bei Linda Hodel ( zu melden.
Zhanat Doskhozhina is a Visiting Scholar at the ISEK-Social Anthropology from September 1, 2024 to August 1, 2025.
Pujo Semedi Hargo Yuwono will be a Senior Fellow at the Collegium Helveticum and a Visiting Scholar at the ISEK-Social Anthropology during the Autumn Semester 2024.