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ISEK - Department of Social Anthropology and Cultural Studies Popular Culture Studies


Admission to a PhD program is always based on an application. There is no entitlement to admission. Two essential prerequisites must be met:

  1. Completed Master's degree from a state-recognized university in Cultural Studies, European Ethnology, Cultural Anthropology, or a closely related field with a cultural studies focus.
  2. A binding written commitment from two doctoral supervisors who meet the requirements for the composition of the supervisory committee. The primary supervisor must be a faculty member. The secondary supervisor can be other eligible lecturers from different universities.

Professors (for primary and secondary supervision)

  • Prof. Dr. Silvy Chakkalakal (Faculty member)
  • Prof. Dr. Moritz Ege (Faculty member)
  • Prof. Dr. Christine Lötscher (Faculty member)
  • Prof. Dr. Bernhard Tschofen (Faculty member)

Lecturers (Privatdozent:innen) (for secondary supervision only)

  • PD Dr. Stefan Groth (Privatdozent)
  • Prof. Dr. Gabriela Muri (Adjunct professor/Privatdozentin)
  • PD Dr. Stefanie Samida (Privatdozent)
  • PD Dr. Malte Völk (Privatdozent)

To finance PhD projects, ISEK – Popular Cultures regularly advertises positions for teaching and research assistants or research project staff. Further funding opportunities can be found on the UZH page for doctoral funding.

A cumulative dissertation is not permitted.

Yes, doctoral students must be enrolled at the UZH for the entire duration of the PhD. Enrollment and semester fees apply. An overview can be found on the UZH site under Fees and Contributions.

The maximum duration of the PhD is six years, even if the PhD is completed part-time. This period starts with admission to the PhD program and ends with the awarding of the doctoral degree.

Upon successful completion, the Faculty of Arts awards the title of Doctor of Philosophy. The title is "PhD" in English, or "Dr. phil." in German.