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ISEK - Institut für Sozialanthropologie und Empirische Kulturwissenschaft Ethnologie


Herbstsemester 2024

Dienstags, 16.15-18.00 Uhr

Ort: Universität Zürich, Andreasstrasse 15, 8050 Zürich, Raum AND-4-06
Organisation: Christine Schenk, Kontakt:
Die Vorträge sind öffentlich.

17. September Semesterbegrüssung
1. Oktober Florian Stammler (University of Lapland)
"Fluid Realities of the Wild" in Human-Animal Relations in Extreme Environments
Abstract (PDF, 477 KB)
15. Oktober Paige West (Barnard College and Columbia University)
"What's Love Got To Do With It?": The Making and Remaking Ethical Collaborative Worlds in the Face of Past Injustices and Future Erasures
Abstract (PDF, 101 KB)
29. Oktober
Ruha Benjamin (Princeton University)
Race to the Future? From Artificial Intelligence to Abundant Imagination
Flyer (PDF, 717 KB)
5. November Franz Krause (University of Cologne)
Whaling as Sharing: Ways of Respecting Animals in Inuvialuit Waters
Abstract (PDF, 100 KB)
12. November
Sandhya Fuchs (University of Bristol)
Hate Crime Law as Meliorist Hope: Seeking Justice for Atrocity Crimes in Rajasthan
Abstract (PDF, 112 KB)
3. Dezember Talk in the Library

Prof. Dr. Peter Finke and Dr. Maria-Theres Schuler will present their recently published monographs.
Poster (PDF, 863 KB)

10. Dezember Elena Fontanari (University of Milan)
Claiming Time. Migrants’ Struggles Across Borders and Neoliberal Economies
Abstract (PDF, 108 KB)
17. Dezember Saida Hodžić (Cornell University)
The Twilight of Cutting: African Activism and Life after NGOs
Abstract (PDF, 112 KB)

Programm aktuelles Semester