Andrea Grieder , Dr.
- ehemalige Dozentin
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Sennhauserweg 9, 8032 Zürich
Associate Researcher at the Department of Social Anthropology and Cultural Studies, University of Zurich and at Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, EHESS, Paris
Organizer of Cultural Events on Rwanda and Initiator of transpoesis which aims at creating spaces of poetic creativity through workshops, performances and the poetry slam Kigali vibrates with Poetry
PhD Social Anthropology and Sociology at University of Zurich and EHESS, Paris
Awarded on 19th of Dec. 2012 summa cum laude/Très honorable avec félicitations
Title: Collines des mille souvenirs. Vivre après etavec le génocide perpétré contre les Tutsi au Rwanda (Hills of a Thousand memories)
Spring 2015 "Art and Anthropology", University of Freiburg
Spring 2015 "Doing research in Rwanda"
Cooperation project with the Center of Research and
Documentation on Genocide, National Commission for the
Fight Against Genocide
CNLG, Kigali and University of Zurich
2014/15 Genocide Studies in Social Anthropology,
University of Zurich
Nov./Dec. 2013 Trauma and Genocide Studies (BA & MA)
2012- today Events on Rwanda in Zurich
14/03/2015 Concert Opera Intwatwa. Volkshaus Zurich. In cooperation
with the Ethnographic Museum, University of Zurich
18/03/2014 Concert with Massamba Intore, Daniel Ngarukiye and Jules
Sentore, Volkshaus Zürich. In cooperation with the
Ethnographic Museum, University of Zurich
21/09/2013 Fashion Event "If the sea could talk" with Dady de Maximo
Mwizira Mitali and Daniel Ngarukiye. In cooperation with the
cultural center Rote Fabrik, Zurich www.rotefabrik.ch
March, 10-12, 2016 Workshop Shakespeare visits Kigali, with British Council,
19 March, 2016 Poetry Performance with Students of different Campuses of
the University of Rwanda.
Sept.-Nov. 2015 Creative Writing Workshop at Goethe Institute, Kigali.
1st of June 2015 Poetry Workshop. University Hospital Zurich/victims of war
and torture
April 2015 Transpoesis Workshop Sculpture of your self
April 2014 Transpoesis Workshop Figures of Transformation
Goethe Institut, Kigali, in cooperation with Adelithe Mugaba
31st Octobre Kigali vibrates with Poetry, Landstar Hotel, Kisimenti/Kigali
30th of January Kigali vibrates with Poetry, 2nd Edition. The Manor Hotel,
Collines des mille souvenirs. Vivre après et avec le génocide perpétré contre les Tutsi
du Rwanda. 2016. Globethics.
Haiku by Rwandan poetesses - Illuminations of being. 2016, in: John Clammer and
Ananta Kumar Giri (eds.) The Aesthetics of Development. London and New York:
Palgrave Macmillan.
Rwanda: Healing and the Aesthetic of Poetry, Kaur, Raminder and Dave-Mukherji,
Parul (2014) Arts and aesthetics in a globalizing world. ASA, 51. Berg, London.
Transformation by Barbarity and Beauty, in: Ananta Kumar Giri (eds). New Horizons of
Human Development, Cambridge Scholars Press. 2015.
Rwanda: Créations poétiques d’après le génocide ou éclats de beauté dans un ciel
nuageux. Institut français de recherche à l’étranger (IFRA) Nairobi. Karthala (in
Art et Anthropologie: travail artistique avec des victimes de violence (bookchapter in
Subjectivation, Michel Wieviorka, in press).
„Den Schmerz zur Welt bringen“: Subjektivitäten und rituelles Erinnern bei
StudentInnen in Ruanda. figurationen. gender, literatur, kultur. 2008, Jg. 9, Nr. 1.
Nyamagumba. Hügel der Tausend Erinnerungen. Swiss Sociological Association
Journal, Schwerpunktheft „Neue Kriege“. 2009, Nr.1.
Colloque autour de Michel Wieviorka, Le grand écart: la sociologie du sujet au global Autour de Michel Wieviorka 25-27 septembre 2014. Paris
Presentation - Références mondiales d'un sujet en mouvement
Evolving Humanity, Emerging Worlds, 5th – 10th of August, 2013, Manchester, UK
Presentation – Transformation of the inner and outside world.
Remembering in the Future. Policies and practices to prevent mass atrocities, 7th of
March, European Parliament, Brussels.
Presentation: Michael Salter (University of Central Lancashire) and Andrea
Grieder – EU Legislative Interventions on Combating Genocide Denial.
International Conference on Child Victims, Vulnerable Children and „Violent Young People in East-Africa: Realities, Perceptions, Care and Support, Kampala, 19th – 21th November 2012.
Presentation: Vulnérabilité et liens de solidarité parmi les survivants au Rwanda
„Genocide: Knowing the Past, Safeguarding the Future“, San Francisco State University, June 28th – July 1st, 2012.
Presentation: Rwanda: The Shadow of traumatic experiences.
„Arts and Aesthetics in a globalizing world“, April 3rd - 6th, 2012 at Jawaharlal Nehru
University, New Delhi. Association of Social Anthropologists of the UK and Commonwealth (ASA).
Presentation: Rwanda: Healing and the Aesthetics of Poetry.
„Genocide and Mass Violence: Memory, Symptom, and Response“, September 17-18, 2009. Rutgers University Newark.
Presentation: Memories of Tutsi Genocide in Rwanda: Saving Face in face of
Sieben anthropologische Blicke auf Rwanda, 19th of Nov. 2015. Ethnographic Museum, University of Zurich/Switzerland
Genocide and powerful art, 4th of March 2015. Ethnographic Museum, University of Zurich/Switzerland
2012 Hedwig-Widmer Stiftung
2006 Beitrag für Doppeldoktorat, Rektorenkonferenz der
Schweizer Universitäten/CRUS
Januar - September 2004 Erich und Hildegard Henssler-Stiftung,
Lektorieren französisch: Pascal Tilche, Paris
Lektorieren englisch: Tom O'Brien, Paris